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Thursday, November 20, 2008 @Thursday, November 20, 2008

Its going to be a busy month..starting from 24th nov as i have been appointed as standing in PS of my platoon by my current PS as he is away for course..haiz dunno y so suay..already gt so much stuff and now this ultimate shit is thrown at me..and the thing is i dun really know what to do..although its only for 2 weeks but i can foresee alot of problems coming..no choice suck thumb and do as no 1 will want to do it anyway, gotta respect PS's decision..just hope dun cock up too much can already..and im the COS 2moro..yes, on friday, see ppl book out but i cun book out..zzzzzzz..i dun wana book innnnn...

Alot of unhappy things happened not only to me but also to some of my friends..really no point being so unhappy as things will not go back to the same as before anymore..what happened has happened and what eventually will happen has also happened..there's nothing much i can do except to force myself to accept the fact =(


Wednesday, November 12, 2008 @Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Im back from taiwan after 2 and a half wks finally...shall'nt comment too much cos im nt supposed to i assume..but all i can say is it was an enriching experience and i have seen alot and also had fun for the last few days..taipei was good. fun. from girls to food to weather (night). That basically sums it up and hope that i can go back again to really relax and have fun with friends or family..and ya..found it quite surprised that taiwan ppl are surprised that sporeans can speak chinese, and good chinese..i mean, we are chinese ppl too aren't we? hmm different culture different understanding but i guess they will know more as time pass jus as we r learning to understand them too..

The places i went to in taipei was ximen ding (sort of their orchard road), Shilin(big big night market) and wu han(abit ls there lol)..but it was drizzling all the while so sort of dampen the mood a little..the last thing is the ji pa and the nai cha there is niceeee!! i wana go bac to eat again some time!

Come back singapore...suddenly all the things came back again...things that happened that i dun wish to see makes me feel not like coming back..i know some things are inevitable but din expected it to be so soon..was quite a blow and it hurts more than i expected it to be. too soon too fast. i need longer time than this but its not like ppl care.. gotta face it alone and walk on bravely..time is the solution, its just how long it gotta take...

i would be lying if i said i felt nothin', too soon baby, too soon




if my heart has grown cold there your love will unfold as you open my eyes to the work of your hand my heart will find praise and i will delight in your way in my life your will be done


Zhi Wei
Kai Xin
Ling Zhi & gang
Ker Yeong


December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
June 2007
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
April 2009



layout : jeanette
fonts : dafont
image : threadless
brushes: moargh