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Tuesday, June 26, 2007 @Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Finally got my pes 2 weeks ago after i was asked to visit cmpb again..got a pes B..this MO was much better than the previous 1 as he explained my case to me..unlike the other 1 which din even bother to explain a single thing and tick pes D immediately..den 2 days later receive another letter which state that im pes B L1..means can change my pes if found anything new..which i doubt so..hope it wun change again plss..

Got my enlistment letter 3 days ago.."report 9.30 am palau tekong BTM sch 2 on 10/15/07"..wasn't quite happy that my enlistment is in oct wherelse most of my frens are enlisted in july..but better than nothing..had requested an eariler enlistment but was rejected as expected due to the full intake during the july period..guess i have to work for 2 more months while waiting..zzz


Thursday, June 07, 2007 @Thursday, June 07, 2007

Cun remember the last time since i last blog..shud b ages ago..too lazy and busy i guess..anyway the reason i tried blogging is because i want to know hw it is like to have one since alot of ppl has it..haha n only afew ppl know tt i hav 1..so not much purpose to update..blogging nw jus to kill time..currently at work now and since nothing much to do presently,den blog lor,using the com at my desk of cos..

Just gotta write a small summary over the few months..

Studies wise,i have accepted ntu's offer to study CBC instead of nus's FOS..feedbacks from lecturers in sp seem to indicate that ntu is a better choice,not to mention the rankings of cos..

work wise,ya im still working at the same company currently and im using their com nw..slacker JL has already left due to his army enlistment next week..miss crapping with tt slacker man haiz..ZW will leave 2mr also..his enlistment is jus 1 day after JL..

army wise..my enlistment? alot of ppl is asking when i will be enlisted..everytime i hear this qns will really sian diao..duno wad to ans..oct? dec? ask cmpb which has been dragging my case since dec..bloody hell. going back to cmpb on the 14th to meet the MO..hope can settle this shit asap..

Age wise..Ya and i turned 20 years old on the 30th may..thx for those that celebrate it with me..got a nice surprise at new york new york with KY and gang..really appreciate it..and thx for the present..=)

TKD wise..recently i went bac to training in SP..although always late due to work..i still go bac cos there's more ppl training there nw after the freshies come in..it's a big intake and the atmosphere is definitly better and makes ppl want to train..my passion for tkd is still there even thou i grad already..there will b a sparring competition among CCs and sir keep askin me to go try..but i had to reject cos im setting my sights on the coming nationals..which is more important..dun wana get injured b4 that..will train more to get a medal..

Dunno when will my next entry be..when i have nothing to do lor =)




if my heart has grown cold there your love will unfold as you open my eyes to the work of your hand my heart will find praise and i will delight in your way in my life your will be done


Zhi Wei
Kai Xin
Ling Zhi & gang
Ker Yeong


December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
June 2007
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
April 2009



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