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Friday, February 23, 2007 @Friday, February 23, 2007

How unlucky can 1 be..went to agm n saw the bout list for ntu open..even b4 seeing the list..WC already sae "ur 1st opponent is bay zi jing".. as mentioned in my previous entry..this guy is 24 year old frm NTU..the 1 who won me n got gold in nationals..n hw i hav to meet him again..in the 1st bout!!!! as it is a knockout competition..if i lose to him den thats it..can go home already.. was praying i dun meet him so soon so at least can secure a medal b4 facing him..but nw...y mus it be me..y so unlucky..haizzz

During nationals..free of injuries plus the motivation i got from sum1 at least make me feel quite confident..although lost in the finals to bay zi jing by 7-2..nw is got injuries, no motivation plus no coach as he's going to hong kong to represent Singapore in the Asian Cities games..

Forget it..tink i jus go in to enjoy the match..thats the most important thing..if really lucky to win him..den mayb gold will b more realistic..we'll c..


@Friday, February 23, 2007

Before i realised..is already 8 days before NTU open..duno i will be fighting on the 3rd or 4th of March..but as far as i noe..im still not prepared for it..went for training yest after missing it for 2 weeks. sort of got reprimanded by sir YW for having no faith at all..which is true actually..

Zhimin asked me to spar with him so he can tell me my strengths n weaknesses..got some bruises as a result so hope will recover in time..still i have to thank him for all the encouragements and the pointers he gave..those that i can use in the competition..hope it will come in handy eventually..

wanchern the vice captain already noes the list of ppl in my category..and sadly, there is this guy from NTU call bay zi jing..24 year old Safsa brown belt..haiz..lost to him during the final of nationals by 7-2..a diff of 5 points..chances i will meet him again..tt time i was free from injuries n lost to him..now my right leg was injured..injured during the final with him way back to sep..until nw still haven recover..so..god bless me


Sunday, February 11, 2007 @Sunday, February 11, 2007

today was the weigh in for ivp held in NTU annually..my weight category was fly(54-57.9kg)..yest i was 60kg the day b4 weigh in..was damn worried. din eat and drink starting from 6pm..jus drank some water in between..do 1000 times of skipping . Reached ntu at 11..weather was hot but i had to lose weight so i wear my windbreaker and run 2.4 km b4 wiping away sweat n change new clothes..in the end my weight is 57.4kg..heng..but haiz gotta meet a very strong opponent from ntu which beat me b4 in another competition..plus alot of other factors which will pull me down this time. but no 1 really understand..



Tuesday, February 06, 2007 @Tuesday, February 06, 2007

So long din blog cos of exam period...busy studying..anyway..poly is over cos i finish my last paper today!!! cun believe it actually..but like nt much excitement also..maybe is too lost duno wad is the next step..jus waiting to enter army..gotta apply for uni soon..tot of studying again makes me sick..but no choice...anyway nw is the stress free period..so must cherish it..

I cun change my blog skin cos is new blog liao so different format..thx zw for helpin me to create from his spare 1..haha..




if my heart has grown cold there your love will unfold as you open my eyes to the work of your hand my heart will find praise and i will delight in your way in my life your will be done


Zhi Wei
Kai Xin
Ling Zhi & gang
Ker Yeong


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