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Saturday, January 20, 2007 @Saturday, January 20, 2007

Here i am..back from the 4 day tkd training camp which ends as soon as it started..basically the camp was fun as the juniors were fun to mingle with..but at the same time very tiring due to the demanding training schedules..actually its not really too tough as compared to previous training camp..maybe is because every1 has not train consecutively for so long thats y the fatigue sets in..at the 2nd n 3rd day every1 was like very tired..muscles were stretched and strained.. besides training..there were also alot of video screening on tkd..learn from the pro fighters m hw they score..the most fun part was the free time where everyone watch youtube together in the bunk where ppl suggust funny videos that they know..n i realise this batch of juniors were v fun to joke with too..can come up with alot of nonsense such as the funny clip played in the hp..lol...n thx sir william for his time in imparting his sparring knowledge to everyone..learnt alot from him

Put aside the fun..there's 2 things that sort of bother me during the camp..first is my right leg injury..cun seem to heal n i injured it again..become i can only use 1 leg to spar during the full contact sparring session, the main event held on the last day..felt so handicap..den in the end lost to senior ricky..but he himself is a great fighter..win gold in nationals n ivp before..gotta learn from him..the other thing the bother me..prefer not to sae..

Now all the case studies and quizzes waiting for me..haven do..too slack..bought ppchem notes to camp in the end too tired to study..hope i will wake up soon..cos in 3 weeks time exams come n then..thats THE END of my poly life!! unless i fail module..choy.


@Saturday, January 20, 2007

Had one of the best new year eve yestaday..went to gladys hse as they came up with the idea of potluck, where each one have to cook sumthing..ky with his salad, sam with his egg and cabbage n prawn dumplings, qx with her fish, corn soup and long beans, gladys with her fried beehoon n ice cream, john with his sweet n sour pork and chicken wings (bought due to time constraint) and me with nuggets, agar agar and french fries..thou in the end fries wasn cooked due to the time n space available in the kitchen..every1 was busy cooking n having fun all the way until 9 before the feast was ready..the table was laid and candles were lighted up..photos taken n finally we eat the food..although it wasn't top top quality food, its the effort that counts..seriously i tink the food was v nice..considering we do not have any experience in cooking..after tt everyone play card games n chat all the way to the morn while qx slept cos she too tired..but everyone had fun..n thx gladys for the self made photo album..can see the effort she put in..n she has art talent cos its really nice..thought the album was bought instead..john drove us bac in the morn..wad a day..

Happy new year to everyone!


@Saturday, January 20, 2007

Din manage to blog these 2 days due to the internet problem..well recap how happened yestaday..

2 days ago rena suddenly called while i was playing cs..n told me that for the asian cities and sea games tkd selection..brown belt also can take part n asked me to join..sae coach xinde sae i MUS go no matter wad..the weigh in is that day itself n the selection is the next day..i was like....wtf...totally no preparation at all..too sudden..was hesitating whelther to go anot..den xinde called n asked me to go..no choice i guess..went to national training centre (NTC) on that very night for the weigh in..saw alot of legends there..those national team fighters like vincent chua..jason ong and so on..jason ong was in charge of takin my weight..but damn..i was 1 kg heavier than the category Fly which i wanted to fight in..so hav to lose 1kg within an hour..i ran the NTC 4 storeys stairs up n down 50 plus times...sweating so much n finally lost 1 kg..was thinking..y am i doing all these..

After weigh in..i asked xinde whelther i would fight jason ong cos he same category as me although he is black belt..he sae maybe..damn i was damn scare after he said tt..means will fight him..saw him fight in nationals n hell he was a killer..too fast n too good..den got gold..of cos..ppl is national team 1..did a little check up by gg to the STF website to c his records..ok nw look at his records..

Jason Ong

Local Completition

23rd National Taekwondo Championship

24th National Taekwondo Championship

25th National Taekwondo Championship

Jalan Besar Cup

3rd Series Youth Cup

28th National Taekwondo Championship

Spex 21 Taekwondo Tournament

29th National Taekwondo Championship

Henderson Invitational Championship

30th National Taekwondo Championship

31th National Taekwondo Championship

International Completition

7th ASEAN Taekwondo Championship

9th Asian Cities Gold Cup

man wasn he pro..not a single bronze..all gold n silver..me? only one silver in nationals..thats all..was tinkin y am i gg to song si..well the next day is selection at 7.30pm..watched death note 2 with zw n kx in the afternoon den eat lunch and play cs..selection was the last thing on my mind..dun wana tink about it..but..haiz cun avoid it..

Reached NTC at 6 plus..wah so many ppl..do my own stretching..saw jason ong..gosh..his gee..at the back got one SINGAPORE and his logo is national flag...mine leh..behind empty n logo is sp..was tinkin i lose to him is confirm 1..hope my other opponents i have a chance..

The mdm started to put us into groups where we would fight with ppl in our group..my group got 3 ppl including me..one is jason ong as expected and the other 1......................is the jack's opponent during nationals!!!!!!! KAO y i was suay...he was fin category all along but nw he come up to my category..this guy another national standard fighter..IVP n nationals gold medalist..KO his opponent in the finals summore..from the moment i know my group..knew it was over...

Kana thrashed by jason ong as expected..too fast..too skilled..b4 i knew it..my head kana 1 big impact kick frm him..lucky din KO..as for the other 1..also damn gd.. nt his match also thou its nt as bad as with jason..but its ok la haha already noe i cun win both of them so is ok..at least i get to spar with a national team player! Quite an honour actually..went to eat mac with the sp ppl that came to support n den went home...Leg injured..the same old injury as usual..


@Saturday, January 20, 2007

Today internet connection got problem due to the earthquake in taiwan last night..become i wana do case study also so hard..so not i lazy huh..is internet dun cooperate with me..so i spend the whole day playin game n slackin instead..lol

Just wana comment a little on sumthing that sort of disturbed me..read sumthing last week n found it really shocking..thou i knew it but really din expected it to be this deep until i read it..i mean..hw can such thing change so fast n so much..its nt a game or sumthing..really quite impossible..should'nt sae too much, each has their own thinking.

Another thing..dun sae sumthing that you urself noe its not true at all..when the ans is yes and yet u sae no..its jus dumb


@Saturday, January 20, 2007

Thought i will slack all the way at home during christmas..spend an hour doing dr yin's case study den lazy to continue..went to slp instead..woke up at 5 plus and went to uncle's hse with family and eat dinner..wah got turkey, ham and alot more things..after eating some i went off 1st to yj hse cos she invite tkd ppl over..when i reached ben ,royston, xiaomei and devest already reached..ordered some pizza and ate again..nw come the fun part..we play blackjack and bet..not money but ferrero rocher..xiaomei went off 1st coz cun go hm too late..she won 4 rocher..den ben start to win and lead with the most..in the end i won 6..royston won 9..yj won 1..devest won 5 and ben None..lol den we keep suan him..damn funny..(ben i eating 1 now) haha jus kiddin with him la..went bac home at 11..tdy quite fun..eating n playing..5 more mins b4 christmas ends...


@Saturday, January 20, 2007

Work for half day during xmas eve...the last day of work..time passes fast and before i knew it we were already ready to go..the boss treat us some log cakes which i think is nice..after tt..me, cl, sh and xl went to town walk walk b4 going to the one ktv all the way till 7..den rush all the way to kh hse for steamboat with usual sec gang..was very late so ps huh lol..ate alot and crap alot with them b4 start to play ps2 and mahjong..suddenly kh frens started to come n his place become like chalet..haha alot of ppl..den play all the way till 4 before gg home..

Today is christmas day..so..Merry Christmas to Everyone!! Tink i gg to slack n do some reports at home liao..haven touch any books since holi..sian


@Saturday, January 20, 2007

2 plus in the morning nw..jus came bac from oh hse..playing cs with ah pee..haha keep complaining lag n y aim my head liao still wun die 1..lol..anyway when walkin out of workplace with gary they all..keep toking ghost stuff..n in the end jk really saw sumthing..hope is he c wrong..a black figure waving..my god..when walkin bac home at 2 plus..suddenly tot of it n den enter the lift n pray a little..tt xl ps me n went to slp..zzz..haha still sae amituofo to me..

Still waiting for zw to help me with all the blog skin n function thingy..im a noob at these..so tis is jus temporary...


@Saturday, January 20, 2007

Working for 3 n a half day nia with xl, cecilia, gary, shirley n jk in a ham factory..today is the 2nd last day..as usual..im in charge of replenishing the stocks..so must go in and out of the chiller..which is -5 to -15 degrees..really DAMN cold man..bth..haha but actually quite fun la cos all workin tgt..gt one freezer..freezer 4..is the coldest of all..is about -20 degrees..when i go in after 30 secs i run out warm awhile den went in again cos cun find the stuff i wan..2mr is the last day le so fast..and its half day nia..hope everything goes smoothly n we get our paycheck!! but i less $55 than everyone cos i went for ns checkup one day..sian..but nvm..better than nth haha..soo tired..shall stop here..


@Saturday, January 20, 2007

Just came back from the NS medical checkup from CMPB at Depot road..Went with samuel, john and zhiwei cos we booked the same appointment date..went there with a relax mood and the 4 of us were crapping on the way there..had long john silver at tiong bahru for our lunch because the checkup will last for a few hours..so we eat first n still crap tt later the glucose level too high haha..after eating we took bus 195 to CMPB..it was still drizzling when we reached..as usual these few days the rains were non stop n gung ho..heavy rain most of the time n the air oso so cold..

Although our appointment time is 1pm, we went there early at 12 because some friends say that the time doesn matter. To prevent from coming bac the next day due to insufficient time, we reached early and take photo first..this part very fun cos the hair cannot cover the forehead..they actually provide water spray n comb for us..lucky my hair still nt so jialat..do awhile can liao..sam's hair the longest so he is the last to take..zw and john's hair were ok..after phototaking, we are ready for the check up...BUT..zzz..the doctors went for lunch and in the end we must wait till 1pm..qi dao~but nvm la..finally at 1pm our names r called n me n zw are separated from john n sam..we went to audio test while they went for blood test..ok here's a brief description on each section

Audio test

I am required to put on this headset and the guy outside will operate this com n the sound will either come out frm the left or right headset, in which we had to raise our hands according..either left or right..after awhile it was done n they wrote Pes A on this section.

Vision test

Just read the letters at row 3 from the bottom with one object to cover each eye..Pes A for this section too

Urine/blood test

Oh at this section we saw sam n john..their first checkpoint..the first part is urine test..basically jus dip a litmus paper into a cup of our own ya..den show to the person. For the blood test..lucky my IC gt my blood group which is O+ so no need draw blood like sam n john..the person jus staple my finger n collect a small amount of blood..


As usual..my teeth got alot of prob n gt one decay tooth so the dentist asked me to get it done b4 NS..sianz..Pes A on this section too


This involve pressing our chest against a machine n hold our breath for awhile..n tts all..Pes A on this section again


Dun ask me wad that means cos i have no idea either..they jus ask me to lie on a bed n put some weird thingy on my body..Quite tickling but i tried nt to laugh...

Height/Weight and blood pressure

My height n weight are measured first b4 blood pressure..after the first reading..the person sae "wah"..i was like wad the..den he ask me take with the other hand..sian duno is too high or low..my other frens took once nia..haizz..


Entered this room n expected to c a professional doc..instead..he look like some normal person with army dressing...doesn look like a doc in any place..was beginning to suspect the credibility..doesn seem so friendly too..asked me some questions n then..........he ticked PES D..i was like..b4 i could ask him..he ask me go out to next section..izzi becos of the blood pressure? he din sae..Pes D is temperory for a month for pending medical report b4 i really noe which pes i am in..hope nth is wrong with me n i get into pes B la..in the middle can liao.

Self quiz n questions

Wah i hate this the most..is sort of a IQ test..there were hundreds of questions to be done on a computer n the room was damn cold can..some questions very hard la so i anyhw do..need alot of brain work man this 1..no mood to do liao..after 1 hr plus finally end and thats the end of the whole section..


Met up again with sam they all after they finished their's...every1 keep saying the whole thing will last 5-6 hours but we oni 3 hours leh..maybe less ppl ba..zw got into pes B n Sam n John got into pes A..me leh..haiz..after a month den noe..y izzi me arghhh..after tt we went to eat again at nearby hawker centre n den went home..hope everything is fine..typed so much..tts all for this entry..

Signing off...




if my heart has grown cold there your love will unfold as you open my eyes to the work of your hand my heart will find praise and i will delight in your way in my life your will be done


Zhi Wei
Kai Xin
Ling Zhi & gang
Ker Yeong


December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
June 2007
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
April 2009



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